It had grown dark by the time
Merill had scrubbed the mud from her skin and hair and exchanged her
rain-soaked cloth armour for a drier tunic she found in the wardrobe of her
tiny attic room in The Bannered Mare. She’d spent the past two weeks living out
of the dark, shadowy room, and while it was far away from the bustle of the bar
and a bit drafty, it was exponentially warmer than outside. In the south it
only rained, and in Markarth there was barely ever snow, just bitter wind. But
here, nearing the end of the year, the wind carried in a dusting of snow that
rattled the windowpane, the swirling flakes dancing past her window until she
rose from the bed and yanked the faded curtains over it.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
V - The Greybeards
For being a temple of the Voice,
High Hrothgar was very silent. Merill found herself in a high-ceilinged room
lit by a single great fireplace between the two doors and melted candles pooled
on stone. The wall and pillars were intricately carved, great swirling designs
of ancient warriors with the Thu’um radiating from their jaws, archaic dragons
clawing their way up to the shadowy ceiling. Merill let the great bronze doors
fall closed behind her, creating a loud clang
that resonated through the hall. She slowly stepped into the room, staring
up at the shadows that danced on the walls, making the dragons there look
alive. Her boots clicked on the stone and she could hear the wind howling
Merill did not see anyone, so she
moved slowly along the walls, running her fingers over the faded carvings
there, staring at the eyes of the dragons that seemed to follow her as she
don’t know if there’s any truth to this whole thing, she told herself
firmly, her fingers rising and falling gently as they brushed over the ridges
and crevices of the carvings. You’re just
here for the truth.
“At last.”
Merill’s head turned sharply,
started by the calm voice echoing along the stone walls, and saw a hooded man
had appeared there, his face thrown into shadow, but a long, knotted grey beard
just visible. He clasped his hands before him, lost in the great folds of his
ancient-looking robe, and there was an overwhelming aura of peace about him.
“A Dragonborn appears, at this
point in the turning of the age.” Merill let her hand fall from the stonework,
turning fully to face him.
“I’m here because you called me,”
she said shortly, crossing her arms.
“We will see if you truly have the
gift,” the man said quietly, and Merill realized other hooded men were moving
silently into the room, pausing to stand motionless around its edges. “Show us,
Dragonborn. Let us taste of your voice.” He stepped back to join his comrades,
and they stared expectantly at her.
“I…I don’t know what you mean,” she
told them, her resolve faltering.
“Focus your energies,” the first
man told her calmly. “I can sense the Voice on you. You know the word, Fus, and all you must do is pour your
will into it, let it become a sharpened stone within your mind. Use it. Feel
the Thu’um vibrating within you, anxious to be heard.”
Merill looked from him to the other
men, standing silently, waiting. She took a heavy breath and let her eyes fall
closed. I’m only here for answers.
She found the word, Fus, and tried to
close off the rest of her mind, letting all else fall away to leave it there
alone, as if perched on a precipice in the darkness. And suddenly, as if time
had slowed, Merill felt that raw, primal feeling growing in her gut and rising
up through her chest, then her throat, till it rested upon her tongue and her
jaw stretched forward to let it out, the word flying from her lips as she
suddenly understood how to free it.
Merill’s eyes snapped open in time
to see a great wave flowing away from her, sending pots flying and causing the
flames on the candles to snuff out, making the monks that stood before her
stumble and throw up their arms to shield their faces. She straightened,
breathing hard as the energy of the shout slowly left her, leaving her
shoulders rising and falling heavily as though she had just run the length of the
Reach. Dust floated down from the ceiling, settling on the dark stone.
The men slowly straightened, and
the first took a few steps forward, moving back his hood just slightly so she
could see his face, worn, yet alive with a fresh sort of exuberance.
“Dragonborn. It is you. Welcome to
High Hrothgar.” He inclined his head in a gesture of welcome, and the three
monks behind him did the same. “I am Master Arngeir. I speak for the
Greybeards. Now tell me, Dragonborn, why have you come here?”
you’re Dragonborn, you may be the only one who would truly be able to
understand what this is all about.
“I just want answers.”
“We are honoured to welcome a
Dragonborn to High Hrothgar,” Arngeir told her solemnly. “We will do our best
to teach you how to use your gift in fulfillment of your destiny.”
“Which is what, exactly?”
“That is for you to discover. We
can show you the way, but not the destination.” Arngeir folded his hands once
more. “You have shown that you are Dragonborn. You have the inborn gift. But do
you have the discipline and temperament to follow the path laid out for you?
That remains to be seen.” Arngeir swept past Merill, barely making a sound as
his robes fluttered on the stone floor. “Without training, you have already taken
the first steps toward projecting your Voice into a Thu’um, a Shout,” he said,
raising his arms in invitation for the other monks to stand around a diamond
panel in the floor of square stones surrounded by a simple darkstone border.
“Now let us see if you are willing and able to learn.
“When you shout, you speak in the
language of dragons. Thus, your Dragon Blood gives you an inborn ability to
learn Words of Power.” One of the monks stepped forward and raised his hand,
his eyes trained downward on the stone as he did so. “Ro means ‘Balance’ in the dragon tongue. Combine it with Fus – ‘Force’ – to focus your Thu’um
more sharply.”
Merill watched as words appeared on
the square stones, carved in the dragon-tongue and burning a fierce red fire. She
stared into the flames and felt a familiar sensation of all else darkening and
fading, leaving just the words crackling bright as day until they began to fade
“You learn a new word like a
master,” Arngeir muttered, the astonishment clear in his voice. “You truly do
have the gift.”
hardly call it a gift.
“But learning a Word of Power is
only the first step,” Arngeir continued, stepping back from the square stones
and motioning for the others to do the same. Only the one that had burned the words
upon the stone remained. “You must unlock its meaning through constant practice
in order to use it in a shout. At least, that is how the rest of us learn
Shouts. As Dragonborn, you can absorb a slain dragon’s life force and knowledge
directly. As part of your initiation, Master Einarth will allow you to tap into
his understanding of Ro.”
The one who had burned the words
into the floor raised his arms, and Merill felt a similar sensation as when
they had killed the dragon, the weightlessness and light and the sound of wind
rushing past her ears. Her knees felt weak, but she did not fall this time, and
when the light faded Master Einath was stepping away.
“Now let us see how quickly you can
master your new Thu’um,” Arngeir was saying. Merill felt the force building in
her gut again, and she threw her mouth open to scream out the first two words
of the shout.
“FUS RO!” Once again, the candles flickered out and the monks
stumbled as the force of the shout boomed throughout the hall. Merill felt
gooseflesh rising on her arms and she dug her nails into the heels of her
hands. The sheer force and energy of the Shout swelled within her.
“Impressive,” Arngeir said again,
regaining his balance. The other monks followed suit and began to file up the
stairs at the back of the hall, nodding as they passed her.
“Why don’t they speak?” Merill
asked, watching them disappear into shadow.
“They have mastered the Thu’um, but
they cannot yet speak without it. If they were to try to converse as we do now,
they would likely kill you. I have studied the Thu’um long enough to be able to
talk as all men do.” He studied her for a moment, his bright eyes gazing deeply
into hers. “We will conduct our next test in the courtyard. Come.”
The process was much the same, with
another of the Greybeards leaning forward to teach her the words and the monks
watching intently as she used the shout and sped forward, faster than air
itself. When the ribbon of the aurora began to fade from the sky, Arngeir
declared their tests done, and the Greybeards began to ascend the stairs to
return inside.
“Your quick mastery of a new Thu’um
is…astonishing,” he told her, curling his hands inside fur-lined sleeves. “I’d
heard the stories of the abilities of a Dragonborn, but to see it for myself…”
he shook his head, a faint smile on his lips.
“I don’t know how I do it,” Merill
said defensively. “It just…happens.”
“You were given this gift by the
gods for a reason,” Arngeir told her, and there it was again. Her gift. Merill raised her hands, freckled
and scarred, and studied them, as if she might be able to see the dragon blood
coursing through her. “It is up to you to learn how to best use it. But now…you
are now ready for your last trial.” He walked with her to the precipice that
stared out over Skyrim and pointed with an ancient, gnarled hand to the far
north, past the plains of Whiterun and the smaller mountains of The Pale. “You
must retrieve the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, our founder, from his tomb in the
ancient fane of Ustengrav. Remain true to the Way of the Voice, and you will
return.” Arngeir lowered his hand, and Merill stared into the distance where he
had pointed. Frustration still reigned within her. You came here for answers. Get them.
“Why are the dragons returning?”
she asked, crossing her arms. “Does it have something to do with…with me?”
“No doubt,” Arngeir said at once.
“The appearance of a Dragonborn at this time is not an accident. Your destiny
is surely bound up with the return of the dragons. You should focus on honing
your Voice, and soon your path will be made clear.” Merill narrowed her eye.
“There’s got to be more you can
tell me,” she told him skeptically.
“There is indeed much we know that
you do not,” Arngeir admitted, his eyes shining in the light from the stars
winking overhead. “That does not mean that you are ready to understand it.” Now
it was his turn to cast a glance at her. “Normally I would caution you to avoid
the arrogance that comes with your quick mastery of the voice, but I can sense
unrest in you.”
“I’m not a hero,” Merill said
shortly, keeping her gaze firmly trained on the dark horizon. “The gods made a
mistake.” The powerful feeling was fading now, relaxing like unclenching
muscles. “I don’t know why I have this, but I don’t want it. I was getting on
fine without it.”
“I see,” Arngeir replied quietly.
“Now I understand your reluctance. I could feel your Thu’um holding back on
itself.” There was silence for a time. “How did you lose your eye?” Arngeir
asked suddenly, and Merill’s gaze snapped to him, shocked. Nobody had ever
asked her about her eye. People often stared, sometimes pointed and laughed or
whispered behind their hands, but nobody ever asked.
“Somebody cut it out,” she told him
sharply, burying her nails in the heels of her hands again. He gazed at her
expectantly. “I was…running from somebody. And he caught me and…cut it out.
When I was fourteen.” Why are you telling
him this? You barely know him, she scolded herself. She’d promised herself
to never trust again, not even in Markarth. She had learned quickly that trust
got you killed. There was no room for trust in this world.
“The ancient Nords sometimes
believed that the gods would take one’s sight, if that person had something
deeper they needed to see,” Arngeir told her sagely, the icy wind rustling the
heavy fabric of his robe. “Do you hold by the Nord gods?”
“I hold by Talos.”
“Then perhaps He means to show you
something,” he replied simply. “What matters is not the weapon, but how you use
it. You were given this power, be it a gift or a curse, to do with as you
please. You can do as Ulfric Stormcloak has and Shout chaos across the land. Or
you can forge your own path, use your Thu’um to help us understand why the
dragons are returning and help to stop it, if need be. It is for you to decide,
dragon-child.” Arngeir rested his hand upon Merill’s shoulder for one brief
moment, then turned to retreat back inside, leaving her alone on the dark,
windy mountain.
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